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Cabinet Space

What Should You Keep Under Your Bathroom Sink?

This article will outline what you should and shouldn’t store in your bathroom space, and some tips on how to maximize your tiny spaces. Do store toiletries, towels, showering products, hair tools, toilet paper, and a first aid kit in your bathroom space.

Tip: Put the first aid kit in a bottom droor, because your upper droors will be hot property for everyday things and in the event of an emergency, you’ll be able to tell guests “the first aid kit is in the bottom droor on the left” and they will be able to easily find it without much clutter to go through.

You can make all your typical bathroom supplies convenient and easy to access by using the following organizational tips.

Get Unconventional

Organizing your bathroom’s under-sink cabinet is going to take some creativity. You will be using items for things they weren’t created to do, but they sure make your morning ready routine easier for the whole family. First, you might want to get one medium sized, open container or basket that you can keep toilet paper in. Any cleaning products you use in your bathroom can be organized on a “lazy susan”, you know, those rotating “plates” that are usually found in kitchens. You can use a tension rod to maximize space by hanging your spray bottles from it, high in the back of the cabinet. This will also keep potentially harmful chemicals away from children. For little beauty things that are homeless, purchase a clear storage solution that has droors. Most homes have women, and once a month, they’ll need easy access to their sanitary products. Small and medium-sized shower caddies are great for pads, tampons, and other occasionally used items. Don’t forget the cabinet door! If your cabinets are not stuffed to the brim, you can utilize the inside of the door for things you want the easiest access to. Some people screw round PVC pipe to the inside, just big enough for their hot hair tools and their cords. You can also use adhesive 3M hooks to hang small plastic organizers for smaller items like nail polish and manicure tools.

What Shouldn’t You Store In The Bathroom?


Jewelry, whether costume or more expensively made, can tarnish pretty badly when exposed to constant moisture and oxygen. The process of tarnishing is called oxidization and causes the material to look duller, corrode completely, or attract dirt and show signs of wear. Jewelry should not be kept in the bathroom but instead in a closet or designated chest.

Reading Material

Paper will warp when exposed to moisture and it doesn’t look visually appealing if its not well-organized. Prepare for any reading material to be ruined if kept in the bathroom or keep it in a covered container for protection.


Prescription medications, and even over-the-counter medications, can be expensive and they can be compromised with exposure to elements such as moisture. They should always be kept in a cool, dry place.

Essential Oils

Like medications, essential oils need to be kept in a cool, dry place as well. Exposure to sunlight and moisture can change the chemical makeup of the oil itself, possibly changing its effectiveness or even becoming harmful to you. This is why essential oil manufacturers put the product in dark blue or brown glass bottles, to maintain the integrity of the product. If you love essential oils, take care of them by keeping them in a cool and dry protected place.

Non-Water Proof Electronics

As you know, electricity and water can be an extremely dangerous combination. Don’t keep any electronic hazards near the bathtub or sources of water. If the item is not made for use in a bathroom, keep it stored in another room. Use best practices when using music playing devices and check out the latest water-proof technologies!

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